
Call me the tourist. A colleague and I have been making short sightseeing trips around Kosovo along with my recent trip to London. Our last trip was to Peja. We weren’t fascinated by the city but the Rugova Gorge was pretty cool. Peja has the brewery with beer available nationwide. I drink it when I do have a beer.

We arrived in Peja at lunch time. My colleague has a selective appetite so I let him pick the restaurant so I don't get the blame. We stopped in a computer store and asked for a recommendation and directions. The proprietor not only had a recommendation, he said it was only a two minute walk (more like seven or eight minutes in reality) and he accompanied us to a restaurant that was surprisingly very nice.

At the time of our visit, the streets were deserted. Albania was playing Sweden in the European Cup (soccer) and all eyes were glued to any available TV.

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