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The Church Of Gethsemane...The Garden Of Olives. The third generation of churches at this site. This was built around 1915.
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The Church Of Gethsemane...The Garden Of Olives. The third generation of churches at this site. This was built around 1915.
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The Oldest Olive Tree In The Olive Garden...over 2500 years.
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Right Across From the Church Of Gethsemane is the Golden Gate.
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The Old City!
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The Church where the Virgin Mary and Many of the Apostles are entombed.
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Mary's Shrine
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Mary's Tomb
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Mary's Tomb
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The site where the Jesus taught the Prayer of Our Father.
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There are approximately sixty translations of this prayer inside this Shrine.
Thanks to Shortness for work on this photo.
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The Church of The Holy Sepelchre.
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The Church of The Holy Sepelchre.
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The Catholic Shrine
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Where Jesus was originally entombed.
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Inside this Shrine.
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Hi Mom!
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The Church of Lazarus...Jesus's friend whom Jesus brought from the dead. The Tomb was closed during our visit.
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The Church of Lazarus
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The Church of Lazarus
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The Church of Lazarus
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The Church of Lazarus
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Part Of The Ruins!
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This is the location of the Last Supper
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The Manger were Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
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The Manger were Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
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There are three churches on the site of the Nativity...Catholic, Greek Ortodox, and Armenian Orthodox. This is the Catholic Church of the Nativity.
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Catholic Church of the Nativity.
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Catholic Church of the Nativity.
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The Baihai Temple in Haifa, Israel was a surprising favorite. The grounds totally bisect the entire hillside portion of the town with a stunning array of plants and architecture.
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The Baihai Temple in Haifa, Israel
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The Baihai Temple in Haifa, Israel
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A view from the top.
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The Caesarea Crusades
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The Caesarea Crusades
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The Caesarea Crusades
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The Caesarea Crusades
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The Caesarea Crusades
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The Caesarea Crusades
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The Caesarea Crusades
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Right next to the Caesarea Crusades is the Caesarea Ampitheater
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The Caesarea Ampitheater
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Israeli currency is the Sheckel...1 US Dollar=4.5 Sheckel. I saw other denominations including the 100. Smaller denominations are in coins...sorry I can't scan those.
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